Lords here is our letter to players where we’ll be addressing upcoming changes, planned releases as well as questions players have been asking us.
We also want to thank you for your feedback regarding support and communication, we will be addressing these aspects plus much more in this letter so read the full version for all the details.
With this letter, we want to share details about the game’s ongoing development as well as giving you a broad rundown of upcoming changes so you’ll have a clear picture of what we are up to.
Don’t worry there is a tl;dr for those of you who don’t have time to read such a long post.
First, here is a gift code to thank you for your support and patience.
🎁 DEVL-F30036 🎁
- We are working on improving the game’s stability and we do our best to bring you guys the best experience while growing the team to adjust to the growing number of players.
- More and more players join million Lords each day which is wonderful for us but also creates the need to hire more support which we will do on short delay.
- Several players report observing trading and we are grateful for them taking the time to send their feedback. We are going to release changes which will promote healthy sportsmanship and stop the incentive for any player to exchange cities in a systematic way which benefits both parties.
- More customization options and social features like private messages and clan content are on their way, look forward to it!
- A new diamond league and prestige requirements to drop leagues.
- Prepare for a lot more events and giveaways !
Upcoming content
Some of you want us to prioritize stability and others would like to see more content. We try to please both of you and dedicate part of the team to debugging and part of it to more content as stability and optimization are a key priority for us.
Right now our main goals are delivering a better social experience for Million lords as far as clan content goes and delivering a more stable game. Making it easier for players to connect with each other in a good atmosphere will be our main guiding principle.
Private messages
Million lords is a competitive game and rivalries are part of it, but we want exchanges between players to stay respectful especially in the global chat. Please keep that in mind as we will ban players who don’t respect our guidelines from using the in game chat.
Moreover we will be releasing private messages to make it easier for players to coordinate and contact each other within the game. And to make sure these communication channels stay safe for everyone, we will be including a report and block option for players.
Demoting into lower leagues while being an experienced player can sometimes be demotivating, so in the future we will be making changes to avoid situations where veterans could end up in Bronze or Silver leagues.
We already started adjusting the requirements to move up leagues or being demoted and we will keep doing so to ensure gear and skill disparities are less prevalent.
We will be introducing different gameplay variations to this league in order to reflect the fact that it is a high skill level environment.
We are making these changes to make sure every league reflects a player’s gear and strategic level.
Finally we will be opening up a new diamond league to add more progression to the league system while giving out better rewards to those who manage to reach this league.
Grouped attacks & defense
These private messages will help players with our upcoming feature which is grouped attacks and defense. We’ve had this one planned for a long time and the reason it hasn’t been implemented yet comes from the huge balancing challenge it represents. We want features to add to a players overall enjoyment while eliminating all possible unfair scenarios.
Get ready for new customization options like new skins, avatars, flags and profile borders.
We will make sure to include players in the process of designing these customization options so they fit your expectations.
Community and Events
There will be an increase in community events during the upcoming weeks. We will also be getting the help of a new Community manager which should give us more leverage when it comes to planning and doing these events.
Special events where you can win free items like valentines days or Easter but also contests and giveaways will be coming your way.
We will be bringing back the Top players discord role, right now only those who remember we had still asked for it. But we will now be announcing these as a reminder for players so they can get their special top player role at the end of each season on our Discord.
The last stream we had was on the latest UI revamp and the next will soon be coming your way as we adapt to working from home.
We get a great wealth of knowledge coming from you guys everyday. We can’t answer everyone as it takes a lot of time but your feedback and reports are greatly appreciated.
We are available on discord because it brings us a tremendous amount of feedback from players and allows us to be closer to the community.
We know you want more reactivity on support. We do the support in house to have direct feedback from our players and take it into account to improve the game. The player base is increasing so does the amount of tickets we receive each day, which creates the need for more recruitment on that part. Rest assured, we are nearly done with this process!
Please keep in mind that we are a small independent game studio which works hard to provide you with the best game experience possible.
Also we have been transitioning to a new support platform to better address the growing player base.
Game stability
We are in the process of recruiting for a Q&A position to help us test versions and identify bugs.
Revamped mail box
We will very soon be releasing a revamped in game mail system, where gifts from clan mates are separated from mails directly coming from us like giveaway rewards and pack sapphires. This will make sure there is no clutter in your mail while addressing possible reward losses some players have reported.
There is a non mandatory version which increases expeditions stability overall and that version will become mandatory for all players to enter the game.
Known bugs board
Players send us feedback all the time which we take note of and we encourage you guys to continue doing to help us make the game better. In this effort we will also be releasing a public document detailing a list of known bugs or ongoing issues so you know if something has already been reported.
Revamped march system
We added a calculation time delay when troops reach a city (the little animation) to make sure there were no sync issues between client and server which caused troop losses.
That helped a lot with troop losses and we are now adding another system on top of that which should come and support what we already have in place.
We will soon be revamping the movement system. This revamp will make marches more responsive and should help with march related troop losses.
Cheating & Feeding
First we realize the core issue lies with players trying to optimize their chances of reaching the top in a competitive game by abusing the game’s main loop. But the competition has to stay healthy and fair to everyone in order for the leaderboards to correctly represent a player’s skill and achievements. That is why we are against players exchanging cities through an agreement with no sportsmanship whatsoever. This also goes for multi accounting which is strictly forbidden.
Before enforcing the fact that we are against this, we are working hard on implementing changes that would make playing the game in the way we intended the most profitable like rewarding players who attack different targets with bonus experience. We also regularly receive suggestions from players about this issue too and take them into consideration as much as we can.
Bans & multi-accounts
Banning is a bandaid solution that requires us policing players and checking logs which means a need for manpower and resources which are requirements we are soon going to fulfill ! We however want to warn players who indulge practices such as trading and multi-accounting that we will soon be starting another crackdown on them while working on implementing methods to promote healthy sportsmanship into the game.
As for multi accounting or cheating, each and every identified cheaters will be banned and multi-accounts will be deleted.